New Project
Finally made it into my quilt studio late this afternoon and pulled out some 30s fabric to start a new baby quilt.
I cut up a bunch of 3" x 3" squares for the center of the quilt that I've kinda sorta got half planned in my mind. (Starting like this usually ends up getting me in big trouble.)
Setting the squares on point was what I had in mind and this is as far as I've gotten. Doesn't look too bad for a first random lay out on the design wall.
Next comes a not too wide white-on-white border around this center scrappy checkerboard.
We don't have any special plans for Labor Day tomorrow, so I'd love to spend the holiday (as in "day off") working on this quilt. We'll see if quilting . . . or much needed garden and yard clean-up wins out.
I love all your fabrics! this will be so-o-o cute! baby quilts are so satisfying...cute fabric and so easy to put together because they're small. don't you think?
Hi, Beth - Thanks! The best thing about a baby quilt is the size is so do-able for quilting on a regular sewing machine! Haven't we all struggled, fussed and fumed, and swore while doing a full-sized quilt!
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