Quilt Projects

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Featured Quilt of the Week Hiatus

Due to unavoidable diffooculties and time constraints (read: Life!), the Monday Featured Quilt of the Week post is going to be absent from this blog for a while.

But never fear! There's usually something else "quilt-ish" going on that will be worthy of filling the page.

Since our snow has all but completely disappeared and Easter will be here in three short weeks, this past weekend I decided my house decorations revolving around the theme of "Snowmen" had to go, and Easter decorations were brought out.

We aren't holding our breath until it truly comes to pass, but it sure does seem like we will have an early spring here this year. Night time temperatures have been staying way above freezing, and we've actually had several sunny days which have pushed day time temps well into the 50s . . . whoo-hoo!

So along with the rabbits and baskets filled with eggs, I brought out some wall hangings and table runners with a spring motif.

I've had this table runner for a couple of years now.

I machine pieced and hand quilted it.

It's not an original design, but rather taken from this book, "Mostly Table Runners Two" by Jane Wnuk, Linda Green, and Kathi Mundigler.

Here's what the sample looked like in the book. A pretty simple design that would lend itself to any number of fabric choices. You could make it in colors to coordinate with each season!

I don't work with floral fabric a lot but had to stick a couple of florals in my rendition of this table runner just to make it say, "Spring!"


beth said...

It does say spring! very nice.

Mama Pea Quilts said...

Hey, Beth - Thank you, ma'am. Are you working on anything with a spring theme?? ('Course, you've pretty much had "spring" weather all winter!!)

Jenyfer Matthews said...

You mean you can't come up with 52 new quilts a year?? I am massively disappointed in you!!


Brilliance takes time. Take as long as you need :)

Mama Pea Quilts said...

Hi, Jen - I knoooowwww. I am such a slaggard. (I keep telling everyone I'm actually a very lazy person. Now maybe they will believe me.)

"Brilliance takes time", eh? Does that mean when the Featured Quilt of the Week returns, I have to be brilliant??

Millie said...

Wow...your quilts are beautiful. I love the Pinwheel quilt.

Mama Pea Quilts said...

Hi, Millie - Thank you for your kind comment. I've been a lurker on your blog for some time now and greatly admire your long arm quilting. You are an artist!